Friday, June 25, 2010

Updates, not that I have any.

On Tuesday I rode my bike 2.5 miles. It was a good workout (especially lugging it up the stairs) but I want to ride farther than that. Wednesday I played some ultimate frisbee.

I finally got paid so I bought a bunch of healthy stuff at the grocery store. My plan is to have bacon egg and cheese for breakfast: That is, turkey bacon, an egg, and a slice of fat free cheese on whole wheat bread :)

I want to ride my bike more but it is rainy season so whenever I get home from work it is raining.

Blah blah excuses this is why I'm fat :(

Monday, June 21, 2010

Day 1

I'm not numbering the days, I just couldn't think of a better title for this post.

Anyway, my starting weight as of a couple minutes ago is 206. This has been my weight for, like, a year so I'm not surprised at all. My goal for the summer is to get down to 185. So I'm gonna try not to eat crappy food. This is not going to work today because I forgot to prepare food to bring to work and I do not have time to make anything, so I'll have to do some cooking tomorrow. Also I have a bike now. I don't want to ride it much yet because I can't afford a helmet or a lock until next time I get paid, but once I get those things I will be good to go!

Time to leave for work now...